Resource Family Re-approval

Resource families must be re-approved every year. You will be notified about starting the Re-approval Process 90 days before your re-approval date. Please complete the following required paperwork and return to the Ready for Life office or e-mail to at your earliest convenience. Once the paperwork has been received, your home study practitioner will contact you to schedule an update interview if applicable. Printed copies of the following are available on request. Please download the forms before filling them out.

1. Resource Family Approval Health Questionnaire 
-Download form
          -One to be completed per Resource Parent 

2. Resource Family Satisfaction Survey (Print copy available by request)
-Complete Survey
here (about 15-20 min)

3. Financial Worksheet (To be signed by both RPs)
-Download form

Approval Agreement (To be signed by both RPs)
-Download form

Training Plan (To be signed by both RPs)
-Download form
-Once complete, your assigned social worker will create a training plan from this assessment

6. Home/Vehicle Inspection - to be completed by your Social Worker

7. Updated Family Photo

8. 24 training hours (minimum) completed by each resource parent,
-including Mandated Reporter, LGBTQ and CSEC if taking children over 10. 
          -8 of these must be approved Ready for Life training hours          
          -To check your current number of hours or to find more training options,
click here. 
The above items are mandatory in addition to the minimum training requirement of 24 hours. You will be notified if any further documentation or information is needed regarding your certifications, vehicle information, insurance, etc.

Other Required Documents

-Current CPR/First Aid
-Current Vehicle insurance, registration, and tags
-Current Emergency Disaster Drill (Form available for download)