
HOMELESS [ hohm-lis ]


without a home: a homeless person.

noun (used with a plural verb)

the homeless,  persons who lack permanent housing.

It’s time to break the stigma on homelessness. Not all people experiencing homelessness are drug addicts, live under bridges, or are a threat. Homeless simply means “lacks permanent housing.” It looks like couch surfing. It looks like living out of a backpack and bouncing place to place, wondering if you’ve overstayed your welcome.

How much mental energy do you spend trying to make sure you have a solid place to sleep?

We are here to help.


It can happen to anyone

I remember coming ‘home’ one night (I was crashing at a friend’s house) and finding someone else sleeping on ‘my couch.’ I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where else to go. I got out my phone and started scrolling… 

-Age 22

Friend of a Friend

I remember one day crying because I didn’t have a dresser. It sounds silly to say out loud, but all I wanted was a place to put my clothes. I slept on a borrowed mattress in the corner of my friend’s friend’s apartment. It was all they had, so it became what I had. 

-Age 23



Finally Home

I never felt settled. I was always wondering when their goodwill would run out. I kept most of my stuff in my car. I got up early in the morning and came home late, never wanting to take up too much space. I was just grateful for a bed. When I finally got my first apartment, I finally felt home. I never considered myself homeless, just.. in between places.

-Age 24